Monday, 5 December 2011

Originally broadcast on CHED Radio, Edmonton, Alberta Canada. January 1963. Labeled #13a

Out in Canada’s great Northwest, there are two sources of weather information. First there is the Northern Alberta Weather Bureau, a highly scientific office manned by weather experts, who use only the latest methods to predict the weather. Our other source of weather is an ancient Indian Chief who comes in from the foothills every fall to tell reporters what kind of a winter we are going to have. The chief has nothing but scorn for the weather office equipment. He will tell us what to expect weather-wise by skinning a squirrel to see what colour the inside of the pelt is, or by checking to see how high up the spruce trees the cones are growing. It may seem a little ridiculous to someone who is not native to these cold climes to tell him that the old Chiefs forecast is the one most folks believe, but there is a reason. You see, the Chiefs forecast is usually a little more optimistic than the weather office. That's the one we believe because that's the one we WANT to believe. I'm firmly convinced that the old gent is somewhat of a rogue who keeps his position of respect simply by coming up on the bright side of the weather office reports. But as long as he keeps predicting mild winters with little snow, I'm on his side, regardless of the weather the follows.

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