Saturday, 13 March 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

Certain melodies are destined to live forever. Others which at first hearing we find equally entrancing and quickly lose their appeal. They don't "wear well". Many people are like that. When we first meet them they are delightful; a joy to be with, and joy to behold. Then, little by little, something happens until one day we end up asking ourselves what first attracted us. 

It is not that these folks lost the good qualities we found so desirable. No. It is that, with growing familiarity, they deemed it less necessary to be "on their good behavior" with us. Gradually they permitted the tiny unpolished facets of their characters to seep to the surface. We caught glimpses of hate and greed, of meanness and jealousy, which shocked and repelled us. 

So never let your guard down. The moment you feel pent up emotions seethe upward and outward, the moment you feel an uncontrollable urge to complain, go off somewhere by yourself until the crisis subsides. Never, never permit yourself to use friends as sounding boards. So to the rule: "Put your best foot forward," let us add: "and keep it there!”

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