Saturday, 13 March 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Tuesday, August 4, 1964

You know after you've been married a few years, it's fun to look back at all the ideas you had when you led the little lady to the altar. Years of bending, changing, adjusting, compromising has altered your outlook on a good many things, and it's amazing how unimportant some of your biggest dreams of years ago have become. I am always bewildered when a marriage breaks up during the first year or so. Shucks, you don't even know each other until you've been married for five or six years, and when you DO get to really KNOW what makes each other tick, your life can become pretty rich in happiness. But marriage is like everything else that's good. It's no snap… it's not a walk… it's darn serious business and believe me you have to work on making it a success. After you strip off all the pink clouds and moon beams and sit down across the breakfast table with the same face you'll look at under the same circumstances for the rest of your life, then and only then can you start working on the REAL, GENUINE ingredients of a marriage. Love, honor and respect. Yes… marriage is hard work… but it can be wonderful if you're willing to make it a two way deal. So all of you youngsters, and some of your oldsters who are thinking of packing it up… before you do that, why not just "give" a little here and there and settle down to MAKING it work. Remember… nothing worthwhile was ever gained without a little fight and heartache.

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