Sunday, 20 November 2011

Originally broadcast on CHED Radio, Edmonton, Alberta Canada. Date unknown.

How is the road in front of your house? In front of my house the road is two, long, treacherous, icy troughs in which you are trapped for blocks. You cannot turn out of them without turning broadside and getting stuck. I live in Ottewell on a paved well used street. My street is no exception.. it is typical. I think it's time someone came right out and said it. City Hall.. your street clearing project is a 24 carat FLOP. In terms of car accidents your inadequate service to the people of the city has cost thousands... as many as 180 accidents in a weekend period. You lay claim to keeping a few of the main thoroughfares open and we conceed that this is the case, but people have to drive OFF those main thoroughfares and it would certainly appear that you are not the least concerned with clearing the residential areas. Tell us City Hall... are the graders and sanders working in shifts around the clock? If they are not, they should be. Have you brought in equipment from private contractors to help with the job? If you have not, you should. Have you a systematic plan to clean up the roads in residential areas? If you haven't, you should have. The thing that continues to amaze me is this. I have lived here 41 years and every year the annual snowfall takes the city by surprise. Year after year they are ill equipped or unorganized to face this one problem which affects practically the entire population of this city. This is a plea to fellow card drivers. Write a letter to council TODAY. Let's find out before we spend added thousands on new equipment whether the existing equipment is being used around the clock 7 days a week to clean up the problem. We’re sick of excuses City Hall...we’re sick of your endless debates...we’re sick of your trying to get off the hook by comparing our problem with Winnipeg's and in conclusion, we’re sick and tired of trying to drive cars over your residential roads system. We keep hearing what a boomtown this is...what a great future it has and yet in terms of this one project alone, we are being treated by City Hall like we were a hick-town. Let's for heaven sake get the problem cleaned up.

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