Saturday, 19 November 2011

Originally broadcast on June 14th, 1964 at 11:45 AM on CHED Radio, Edmonton, Alberta Canada

A few weeks ago we got into a wonderful verbal battle-royal at our home on the subject of the Womanization of the world. We men tried to make the point that there was no area of endeavour left that you ladies had not invaded. Not only do you invade our sacred ground, but you proceed to beat us at our own game. It started perhaps when the fairer sex put on the first pair of slacks and from then on there was no stopping her. She moved into the business world, the world of sport, she moved in behind the wheel of the automobile, behind the mahogany desk, into politics, into the field behind the shotgun, behind the controls of the outboard motor boat, into the pilot’s seat of the aircraft, everywhere she set out to prove that she could do anything the man could do and do it better. Well, I know what you're going to say, a woman CAN do anything a man can do, and do it better. I won’t even argue that point. All I want to say is this, for the sake of future generations and your own femininity, leave us with at least the ILLUSION we’re the superior sex. Leave us some small area of activity that is restricted Solely to the male. I think most males are like me, in that we would like to feel we are required in this world. We want to love and admire our wives, not be in competition with them. So girls, think it over, stop being so blessed competent in the man’s world. I know many, many husbands who feel their only function is to bring home a paycheck and carry out the garbage.

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