Wednesday 3 November 2021

Originally broadcast on ChED radio - Thursday, February 27, 1964

I have a long looked for a satisfactory definition of “courage". I think one of the finest was uttered by an old lady in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird". In substance she said, "courage is knowing you are beat before you start, but starting anyway". That may not be the best definition but it will certainly do until another turns up. "Courage is knowing you are beat before you start, but starting anyway". I have always felt that there is more courage in man's make up than he sometimes cares to admit. We often marvel when we pick up our papers to read of some daring feet that someone has performed in the face of great danger, or where we hear that someone has endured torture that we feel sure would crush any mortal. It is well to recognize at times like that, that the soul of man goes down hard and leaps from ruin quickly. There is, within each of us, a great well of courage. Perhaps we’ll go through our life never having to draw from that well. Perhaps tomorrow, it may be your turn to dip in for that extra bit of courage and faith you need to get over the rough spots. But fear not, the help you need is there awaiting the summons. I have always likened life to a prize fight. No matter how many times you are knocked off your feet, you still have a chance to win, if you'll just get on your feet and go one more round.

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