I guess the happiest day of my life was the day my first son was born. You see, I have never been a very religious man. I had searched for a strong faith but somehow had never found it. I had never found it I should say until that day I witnessed a miracle of birth. As I looked at my son in all his infant perfection I realized for the first time that this was the work of God. I went home that night and wrote this little poem:
Young Williams was not a religious man,
Though he lived by his own strict code.
He never looked for assistance
Though weary and long was his road.
He wasn't the kind to scoff and sneer
At those who claim to find God,
And often he wished that he could pray
As wearily on he’d plod.
12 months ago, young Williams wed,
They delivered his son today.
He looked at the babe, his perfect wee babe;
And then he went home…… to pray.
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