Friday, 26 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Friday, January 31, 1964

I suppose it is only natural for all children to wonder from time to time how they will react to the loss of a parent. I know when I was younger, I often thought about this. I recall to exactly what I thought on that dark rainy evening when I was told my own father had passed away. As I drove along to the hospital one thing kept running through my mind. I thought "There is so much I didn’t say”. By then it was too late and all the things I had felt about my father, but never told him, would now never be said. It is a great pity, I think, that we wait so long to put into words all that we feel in our hearts for those we love. Often we are embarrassed about these deep feelings so we keep them locked in our hearts until it is too late. How much happier we could all be if we could only express our love in actions and words. As a father myself I know how much the love and respect my children means to me and how I long to have my sons express this love in word and deed. My father two must have harbored these same yearnings, and yet I waited until it was too late. I hope you will not make this same mistake. It is always tragic to lose a loved one, but I am sure the feeling of loss would be so much less acute if everything has been said.

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