Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

Our thought for today concerns YOUR importance in the scheme of things… your vital and very real influence on your fellow men. Perhaps you think of yourself as an isolated soul in this world, but have you ever stopped to think how the people you have come in contact with during your lifetime have affected your own life. We are never alone… we are never isolated. Possibly more than we like to think, we are the creation of our environment and the product of our heroes and heroines. Our personalities, far from being self creating substance, are fabrics woven on the loom of other personalities from the cradle to the grave. Yes… like it or not, you are definitely related to your fellow men. Your moods… actions… the tone of your voice… your gestures, mold the emotional attitudes of old and young alike who are within your orbit of influence. It is therefore your urgent duty to become a free… loving… warm… considerate, cooperative personality. Remember other people become what they are by identification and imitation of you and I. That makes your position in my position in this society of ours very, very important indeed.

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