Friday, 26 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Tuesday, September 8, 1959

Mother, how often did you say it? How often did you say... "Boy will I be glad when they're both off to school… out from under my feet". To you that was to be D-day… D for deliverance… your timer for liberation… the day when you'd be free of those yelling, kicking, crying, cookie begging little characters who gave you no peace from sun-up till sunset. Well, many of you have had your big day, but it wasn't at all like you thought it would be was it? there was probably a lump in your throat as you dressed the second little boy for his first day at school, and you wondered how the years have slipped by so fast since the day you brought him into the world. And big brother… (it’s old hat for him, he’s in grade 4 now)… he stands by to teach the little guy the ropes. And he even forgives his little brother for the few anxious tears he sheds as he tells his mother he doesn't want to go to school, that he doesn't even know how to make a 2 or anything. Big brother stands by and at the appointed time takes brother by the hand and with shining mourning faces they start off across the busy Thoroughfare… into a new world. You know doubt stood by the window and watched them go and wondered what had happened to your big day… how come no cheering… no music… no streamers… only a pang of regret and bewilderment. You look again and do you think maybe you can see a tear in the little man's eye… and to you, your six-year-old never looked so small… and you fight back your own tears and the urge to run after him and bring him back home. You watch till they're out of sight… then you sit down and drink the last cup of morning coffee and say a silent prayer and ask God to watch over your littlest Angel and pray that he'll learn the ways of the world well… but gently.

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