Thursday, 18 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

Here is a truism for you. Success is never final, and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts. Too bad we can't all learn that lesson. A few years back I lost everything I had. I had to sell a lovely home and move into one room. I had to dispose of all the furniture I've taken years to accumulate and my car also went on the block. The work of fourteen years went right down the drain and I found myself right back at the starting line, but 14 years older. At first I felt very sorry for myself. I was sure that I never again would own a home and furniture and a car. One night as I lay on the bed in my furnished room, I picked up an article on General Douglas MacArthur. Reading of his grim campaigns during the last war, I was impressed by his courage and determination. When he was driven by the enemy out of the Philippines he said, "I shall return." For the time being he was beaten. His success had not been final, nor however was his failure fatal. From that evening on I decided that I too "would return." After all, what did it require? Just an abandonment of self-pity and some determination and hard work. I'm happy to say that I went the full circle back in less than two years. If the state finds you down on your luck; if the deck is stacked against you and you feel the fight is gone, call on your courage to see you through. Take this little model and paste it on the mirror where you can see it every morning. SUCCESS IS NEVER FINAL, AND FAILURE NEVER FATAL.  IT’S COURAGE THAT COUNTS.

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