Friday, 26 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Tuesday, September 19, 1961

There is a man in this town I wish you all knew. I can't tell you his name, nor will you ever see it in Who’s-who. Nevertheless he is a very successful businessman, and what is more important, an extremely good human being. Over the years I have watched this man help person after person in his own quiet way. Now I know lots of people who will lend a person a hand when he's down and out, but this fellow is different. If you fall down 20 times he'll pick you up 20 times and when the entire world has written you off as a lost cause, this gent will always give you one more try. In this cynical dog-eat-dog world we’d probably called this man a king-sized sucker… an easy mark… but really this isn't so. He is no fool believe me, but he places many, many things ahead of money and success in importance. To him the most important thing in life is human dignity. Perhaps because he has been over the hurdles himself in by-gone years, he has this extremely high regard for the value of a man. Sure, he's been taken advantage of many times in his span of years, but this doesn't change his outlook. He is still always ready and willing to take another chance. You know, a person like this gets a great deal out of life. I think one of the most rewarding things in life is giving of oneself for someone else. If as you listen to me this morning, there is someone who needs your help; regardless of the circumstances; why don't you give it. Every human being, regardless of the situation in which he may find himself, is worth one more chance. Why don't YOU be the person who offers that chance. The rewards are not calculated in dollars and cents, but in something infinitely more precious; something you can only know about when you have picked up the person that the rest of the world has written off.

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