Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

You may find this "thought" of mine this morning is not what you might expect from me. However, I think it is worth some consideration.

Practically every book you pick up these days gives you an article on how YOU can get along with people, how YOU can fit into the group, how YOU can conform. Well frankly, I'm fed up with getting along with some people I know and I'm sure there must be millions just like me. For fear of treading on someone's feelings, you don't say what you feel you really should say. For fear of hurting this person, or that, you don't do what you know, or at least feel in your own heart, is right. This “get-a-long manship" is creating a bunch of mamby-pamby, wishy-washy people who, if they HAVE any convictions are constantly pushing them into the background for the sake of harmony. Now I'm not knocking harmony, but instead of YOU always conforming to the group, how about leading the group conform to YOU. 

Instead of treading lightly lest you trample a feeling, how about striding boldly forward and the devil take the hind most. I honestly think that for the sake of harmony there are many of us who would tolerate anything. This is not a time for arriving at the lowest common denominator of happy peaceful coexistence; it is a time for people who have strength to show it. I am sure that many a mental breakdown has occurred in top business executives because they lost all consideration for themselves in trying so blessed hard to be sweethearts to everyone under them. 

So how about it? Let's give it a try. Instead of trying so desperately to get along with people… let them try getting along with YOU for a while. After all, you're a human being. You have just as many rights as the next guy. Stop trying to win a popularity pole at the expense of your identity as an individual.

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