Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

I am a "small print" reader. I am the kind of guy who goes through an insurance policy cover to cover, reading all the "where as’s" and "to wits" and "parties of the first parts". No, I don't understand what they say, but by golly, I want to be protected nonetheless and therefore, I devour that small print. That is why today I'm coming out strong against vitamin pills. You read a great deal in some of our better medical journals like the Readers Digest, about the benefits of vitamin pills. I am against them. Let me tell you why. If you are a small print reader you'll realize that on every vitamin bottle label there is a list of the vitamin and minerals contained. This is good. But right at the bottom, beside an asterix, is the smallest print on the label. It says, "the significance of this vitamin in human nutrition is not yet established." Now that scares the pants off me. I have friends who take vitamins. One is a chronic backache sufferer. Another's hair is falling out. Still another can't sleep. A fourth suffers from double vision. All of these ailments I attribute to those vitamins "the significance of which has yet to be established in human nutrition." All I want to know is this. If the drug company doesn't know what reaction it has on people like me, what is it doing in my vitamin pills? I do hope that at some time in the future I can come on strong FOR vitamins, but first they'll have to get rid of those spooky ingredients. Until then, it's me for black strap molasses, yogurt and an apple a day.

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