Friday, 26 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

For three years, every Monday, I joined 235 other gentleman at what they call a service club luncheon. This particular club had as its project, the maintenance of a home for less fortunate children. During the three years of my membership, I noticed with alarm that the executive of the club concerned itself constantly with the "burden" of this home. Indeed, it was often suggested openly that in someway the home should be abandoned, if it could be done without damaging the "image" and "good name" of the club. It further concerned me that most members of the club spent their luncheon period involved in business discussions. More cars, homes and insurance policies were sold at that "service" luncheon then were ever finalized in the members respective offices. I would like to say that this club was not typical of service clubs but I am afraid that is not the case. I have nothing against business luncheons, but I do not approve of service club luncheons being utilized for this purpose. In organizations of this kind, there must be a high degree of integrity, and it is amazing to me how year after year so many good fellows allow themselves to be duped into thinking that when they joined this service club or that, it is indeed for the purpose of “service" to some segment of our society. It is an unhappy commentary on our times that throughout the country, more and more so-called service clubs meet for a little else than the betterment of business among the assembled members. My one three-year hitch with a service club has made me a paid up lifetime member of the "non-joiners club.”

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