Friday, 26 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

One of my favorite targets is the child guidance expert… the writer of unlimited articles on how to raise children. A bit of research has unearthed the fact that most of the articles on how to raise kids that I have read, were written by experts who were single and have never spent a rainy weekend with a child in their life. One of their favorite theories is, "You should never spank a child." They say he'll feel rejected… unloved… unwanted, he'll grow up with a complex… twisted, warped, personality. Well if that is the case, I created yesterday morning three rejected… unloved… unwanted… complexed, twisted and warped personalities because just after sunup I wailed the be-jeepers out of my three boys who have been hooting, hollering, screaming, jumping, pumping and rolling around the house since 6:30. This I have not done often… but this, when it has been done, has been done well, and I assure you, it has a marked effect on children. Last night, they were as good as gold… they kissed me good night… they said they loved me and this morning, dawn came up as gently in our home as when it left the good Lord's hand. Conclusion… a good tanning of back-sides when deserved never hurt any kid… and I feel myself that it's high time children learned that adults have no piece of cake in running a home and a family these days, and that because of this fact, they deserve a little peace and quiet and respect from the children. I have found that children have a remarkable sense of fair play, and when they get a licking and it is truly justified, they know blessed well they had it coming. So mother… read your articles if you wish… but when all else fails, remember the remarkable advances that have been made in human behavior with a good swift swat on the derriere.

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