I saved this one for one week. I thought it better to wait until the children were out of ear-shot. The kid next-door started it all. "Mr. Forbes, does the Easter bunny really lay all of those eggs, or does he just deliver them for a bunch of chickens?" How’d you like to be hit with that one at 8 AM Easter morning. "Ask your dad, son,” I said. "He told me to ask you. He said you were a bit of a know it all." The lad came back. I am highly respected in my neighborhood. Well you just can't leave a question like that hang. Somehow a kid has to reconcile himself to the role of the Easter bunny in today's society, but frankly I didn't have the answer. I phoned Al Oeming at the Alberta game farm. "Al, does the Easter bunny lay all those eggs or does he just deliver them for a bunch of chickens?" Al said "what is this, a rib?” I said "no Al, I've got to know. Can a rabbit lay eggs?" "Not in my experience," he answered evenly, "but every day we encounter something new and strange in the animal kingdom. Come on now, who is this? Is this a rib?” I finally convinced Al that it was me but he didn't have the answer. I have to say this for him though, he put me onto a chap at the University of Alberta who was a lot of help. He said he really didn't know if the Easter bunny laid all those eggs, but that he can sure ask Uncle Wiggly and the Good Fairy, who were right in the next ward. Finally a light went on. Who knows more about bunnies than playboy magazine? I put through a call to Playboy headquarters in Chicago. I talked to Janet Pilgrim. If you read Playboy you have no doubt followed Pilgrims Progress. She fields questions like mine. I asked her about bunnies laying eggs. She said, "as a matter of fact, our bunnies don't work on Easter." "But are you sure they don't do a little moonlighting?" I asked. She was sure. So frankly, old know-it-all, never did get an answer for the boys. I told the kid that it wasn't polite to ask because only the bunnies HARE-dresser knows for sure. Next Easter, I'm staying indoors.
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