Sunday, 24 January 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

Miss. E. R. Godfrey is a social worker in Hamilton, Ontario. Speaking in a discussion group at the Canadian Conference on Social Welfare recently, she reported that there has been an increase in the number of married couples placing their babies out for adoption so that they can purchase a second car.  She said the parents involved usually claimed they can't afford the baby or that it doesn't fit in with their plans. Almost unbelievable isn't it, yet it is happening right here in our own country. Miss Godfrey went on to state that most of these parents are immature and very susceptible to social pressures. Well, immature they must certainly be, but isn't it time we looked at a system that can create such pressures?  Isn't it about time we all started to take a real good look at those things in life that are really important? We are all so obsessed with keeping up with the Joneses, with our new cars every year, our new homes, and the gadgets with which we filled them, that we have lost sight of the things that really matter.  Who among us has not in the last year bought something we didn't need and couldn't afford just to impress someone we really don't like. And now we are trading in our babies for second cars. I don't hold too much to the churches idea of immortality. I feel that any immortality I am to have will be through my children, and their children on down the line. What a pity it would be to give away your immortality because of the social pressures of this materialistic society in which we live.

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