Friday, 29 January 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

How long has it been since you read a movie magazine? I know these publications are very popular with the youngsters, but I would suggest, mother and father that it's high time YOU read one. After digesting some of this trash, your teenager is going to require more than a small lesson on “values".  Here is a partial list of the articles contained in one popular movie magazine available at your corner drugstore. "Liz asked to leave Mexico… shocking scenes of nude love." “Those bedroom shots that rocked Hollywood… all the nudes that's fit to print." “The men who make Ann-Margret sexy… good girl or bad." Need I go on? I am certainly not advocating censorship. That is not the answer. I do suggest however that if impressionable young boys and girls are going to be exposed to this type of trashy publication, parents should be aware of the dangers. We want our children to grow up into well-adjusted, happy adults. It is therefore up to every parent to show the child that the good old father-loves-mother formula is still the very foundation of our civilization. Show them that there is still some decency in the world, even though it's getting harder and harder to find. Show them that Liz and Burton notwithstanding, there is still some sanctity in the state of matrimony, and make them believe that regardless of what they read and see, there is nothing to compare with the excitement that comes when husband and wife look down into the crib at their first, perfect newborn baby.  For the Young today as always, there is only one road. They often difficult and sometimes lonely straight and narrow.

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