Wednesday 27 January 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Friday, February 5, 1960

We like to think of ourselves as being pretty honest, and I guess for the most part we are. But I think you'll agree that we all have many faces. We have the face we show to the boss… another face we saved for the preacher, there's a separate face we have for the police officer who stops us when we've gone too fast through a school zone… yet another face the kids see.  Yes, we all present a different front to the world from time to time and I suppose there is no harm in that. The harm could lie in not really knowing which is the real you. Did you ever meet a fellow who told so many whoppers and put on so many fronts, that he started to believe his own publicity. It can happen. You can assume so many different personalities that you actually lose your original identity.  How do you find the real you? How do you know the genuine from the artificial? The real you is the fellow who faces you every night in the bathroom mirror. That's the boy with whom you have to be honest. Each night, make peace with him and don't worry too much about the rest of the “you’s” you have left scattered throughout the day.  If you are honest and pleased with the man who looked at you in the mirror every night if you stand there alone, I'm sure that's all the good Lord expects.

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