Friday, 22 January 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio Tuesday, June 1st, 1965

It’s a Winner

This world is a winner, my neighbors, the troubles may on us descend; 

We always live through the disasters, and everything’s right in the end. 

I've lived through a surfeit of sorrows, I've lived through an ocean of cares,

I've wept through the night, and the morrow, convinced me my woe wasn't there. 

Some people are always abusing the planet whereon we abide; 

They hint that if they had the choosing, on some other world we would ride.

But when they are scheduled to leave us, and flee to a happier clime, 

They look on the journey as grievous, they think their departure a crime. 

The longer I live on this planet, the better and smoother it seems,

This mixture of gumbo and granite is surely the world of my dreams. 

The knockers are dealing in fiction who call it a wilderness drear, 

There's just enough grief and affliction to season the happiness here. 

There's just enough hustle and hurry to spur us to showing our worth;

There's just enough trouble and worry to keep us from dying of mirth. 

If others are putting up dirges, your voice to the wailing don't lend; 

The world from all shadows emerges, and everything’s right in the end.

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