Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Date unknown

Today most of us receive our wages for the results we achieve in our various undertakings. It is too bad we are not paid for our endeavors and intentions instead.

I once had a man working for me who gave every last ounce of his effort to the job he was doing.  Year in, year out, he was on the job 15 minutes before he was required to be. While he was there, he worked constantly, overlooking coffee breaks and extended lunch hours and those other excuses we all find for slacking off on the job every day.  This man did not, however, do a very good job. He DID nonetheless do the BEST job of which he was capable and for that reason he was a valued and beloved employee.

So many of us punched in and out of our jobs every day and think that simply because we were there, we gave of our best. We never stop to consider that so often we just go through the motions. Too frequently we do not really put our shoulders to the wheel and go all out all day for the dollars we are paid.  I guess it is a good thing that man has not yet devised a computer that measures the amount of real endeavor we give to our jobs. You know, you can read a great deal into a man's character by his blood shot eyes and worn shoes.  If our intentions were in the same way made apparent, dealing with people would be so easy. Then, only double dealing would be hard.

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