Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Originally broadcast on CHED radio - Tuesday, April 21, 1964

I am an authority on the subject of worry. I even worry about worrying. The word "relax" is not in my vocabulary. But you know, I have found that most of the things about which I worry never happen at all. All that wasted worry over something that didn't occur!

Are you like that, burning up a lot of nervous energy worrying over things that don't happen. I like this little story.

Two chaps were sitting in the park. They were evidently strangers to each other, but after a time one of them began to mumble to himself in a low voice. "I have dreaded this moment all my life" he said, "I knew my hearing was getting worse, but I never thought I'd suddenly go stone deaf. Here is this guy talking to me for the past 10 minutes, and I have not heard a word he said”.

"Me talking to you", explained the other man. "I should waste my time like that? Listen my friend, I'm talking to nobody. I am just chewing gum”.

Well, that's a true story, and it's typical of a worry wart. Remember, there never has been a day you couldn't get through and today is the day you worried about yesterday. So now relax, take it easy, stop worrying, and start living. It probably will never happen. And even if it does, it may not happen to you. 

I'm just worried sick that it will happen to me!

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