While wondering about the new Royal Bank building yesterday morning I ran into Harold Wright. A good many of you know Harold, others are less fortunate. I thought this morning I'd pay a little tribute to this man. A good many honors have come his way. Just last Monday he received the south Edmonton Lions Club Citizenship award. In 1958 Harold was named citizen of the year and the City of Edmonton recreation award went to him in 1964. Harold currently is recreational director at the Glenrose Hospital. As long as I have known Harold Wright, and it has been a good many years, he has been involved with bringing a little light, help and sunshine into the lives of others. If it was not the veterans, it was crippled children and if it was not crippled children it was senior citizens, and sometimes it was all three at once. You know, all too seldom do we take time to bring public attention to people like Harold Wright. I often hear people say about radio that all they hear is the sensational news story, and really, that is most often true. For some strange reason nice guys seldom make headlines. It's a great pity too, for what kind of a world would it be if we didn't have the odd person like Harold Wright. I enjoy meeting Harold because he is just about the friendliest warmest person I have ever known. I don't suppose he is rich in any material sense, but of this I am sure, his cup runneth over with the affection of those who have had the pleasure of knowing him. I hope Harold Wright will be among us for a good many years to come, making his own important contribution to our society. And of this I am sure, when Harold departs these shores there will surely be a special place reserved in heaven for him. No doubt these words of mine will bring a blush to Harold's cheek if he happens to hear them. I am sure he doesn't think of himself as anything special. But special is exactly what Harold Wright is and I'm proud to know him. Harold this is just my way of saying "thank you" for all you have done for the people of this city.
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