Pick up any magazine from the Saturday Evening Post to Popular Mechanics and you'll find an article dealing with some element of our sexual behavior. We are probably the most sex oriented generation of all time. However, difficulties in this area of our life would appear to be on the increase. I think I know why. I have read the Kinsey Report and in these informative reports you're not find the word "love" on one page. That is a startling fact, isn't it. Therein lies much of our trouble. Our kids today grow up thinking that sex and love are synonymous when actually sex should be the highest expression of a deep and abiding love. 50 years ago I think this was understood a little better than it is today. Little was said about this intimate business. It was never spoken about in polite company and the type of article we see in every type of publication today could be found only in the Medical Journal. Today sex is a fast selling commodity in print, the movies, on TV and even on recordings. In a way I guess it is good that we do know more about the sexual behavior of the human species but it is a pity that we cannot get across to young people and some oldsters too, that without love and respect, sex is nothing but a sensation, a plaything which can have some pretty far reaching consequences, physically and emotionally. In teaching children about this phase of their life, and it is an important phase, I think we should start on a solid, sound foundation. That foundation isn't to be found in the Kinsey Report. It is seldom mentioned in the articles with which we are bombarded and is usually avoided like the plague by the commercial interests who traffic in this intricate human emotion. That foundation is LOVE and without that foundation no human relationship can be complete, rewarding or lasting.
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